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Since 1940, Johnson's Popcorn has been one of the most famous icons of the Ocean City, New Jersey Boardwalk. The aroma of hot caramel tossed over giant kernels of popcorn has lured millions of visitors to Johnson's Popcorn's storefronts that lie beneath the red and white awnings.

All of Johnson's Caramel Popcorn is Hand Mixed in large copper kettles. This mixing process always draws a crowd of fascinated eyes and hungry snackers during the summer season. Every kernel is popped and mixed at one of our Ocean City, NJ Boardwalk locations, 7 days a week, 12 months a year.

Johnson's Popcorn - 14th St. & Boardwalk

Open Daily
1360 Boardwalk
Ocean City, NJ 08226-3242
(609) 398-5404

Mon.- Saturday: 9:30am-5pm
Sunday:  10:30am-5pm

All hours are weather permitting.